NOTE: Section headers on this file are duplicated. One set of headers exist for knitting this to an Rmarkdown (for documentation) The second set are hooks for RStudio’s document outline feature.


Read in preloaded data

# ~  Read in preloaded data ----

Here we load in simulated data

contacts_list_sample <-

follow_up_list_sample <-

tracing_data_sample <- list(
  contacts_list = contacts_list_sample,
  follow_up_list = follow_up_list_sample

# called by data_input UI element on page 1 of app
preloaded_data_options <-
  list(`Sample tracing data` = tracing_data_sample)

UI Outputs

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~  UI Outputs --------------------
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

country_specific_UI_for_loading_data <- function(input, output){


# ~~~~ data_to_use_picker ---------------------------

Options for data source

output$data_to_use_picker <- renderUI({
  radioButtons(inputId = "data_to_use",
               label = "Input Data",
               choices = c("Use preloaded data",
                           "Use uploaded data"))


# ~~~~ data_to_use_input ---------------------------

Loads in the data.

output$data_to_use_input <- renderUI({
  if (input$data_to_use == "Use preloaded data") {
                label = "Use preloaded data",
                choices = c("Sample tracing data"
                            #"Sample contacts list"
                selected = NULL,
                multiple = FALSE)
  } else if (input$data_to_use == "Use uploaded data") {
    tagList(fileInput(inputId = "uploaded_data_contacts_list",
                      label = "Upload the list of contacts",
                      multiple = FALSE,
                      accept = c("text/csv",
            fileInput(inputId = "uploaded_data_follow_up_list",
                      label = "Upload the follow-up list",
                      multiple = FALSE,
                      accept = c("text/csv",


# ~~~~ analyze_action_bttn ---------------------------

Renders when requisites elements have been loaded.

output$analyze_action_bttn <- renderUI({
  if(input$data_to_use == "Use uploaded data") {
  if(input$data_to_use == "Use preloaded data") {

  tagList(HTML("<p style='font-size:4px'>  <br><br>  </p>"),
          actionBttn(inputId = "analyze_action_bttn", label = "Analyze",
                     style = "jelly", color = "primary"),
            <span style='color: rgb(97, 189, 109);'>ℹ:</span>
            <font size='1'>
            After analyses have been triggered once,
            the app must be reloaded before triggering again on a new dataset.


# ~~~~ country_specific_data_to_use_section ---------------------------

Combine different UI elements into single output

output$country_specific_data_to_use_section <- 
    tagList(column(width = 3, 
            column(width = 6, 
            column(width = 3,


# ~  Read file functions ----

Read file functions


The read_file_raw function does either of two things. - For countries using Go.Data, it takes in the input credentials, logs into a Go.Data session, and returns a list with the requisite dataframes. - For countries using KoboCollect, it takes in the two uploaded csv files, (contact list and follow-up list), and returns them as a list of a dataframes.

read_file_raw <- function(){
  data_to_use <-  input$data_to_use
  preloaded_data_options <-  preloaded_data_options ## defined above
  preloaded_data_choice <-  input$preloaded_data_choice
  uploaded_data_contacts_list_path <-  input$uploaded_data_contacts_list$datapath
  uploaded_data_follow_up_list_path <-  input$uploaded_data_follow_up_list$datapath
  if (data_to_use == "Use preloaded data") {
    contacts_list <- 
      preloaded_data_options[[preloaded_data_choice]]$contacts_list %>% 
      clean_names() %>%
      type_convert() %>% 
      mutate(region_de_residence = str_to_sentence(region_de_residence)) # important for picking admin_1 in data subset
    follow_up_list <-
      preloaded_data_options[[preloaded_data_choice]]$follow_up_list %>% 
      clean_names() %>%
  } else if (data_to_use == "Use uploaded data") {
    contacts_list <-
      uploaded_data_contacts_list_path %>% 
      rio::import()  %>%
      clean_names() %>%
      type_convert() %>% 
      mutate(region_de_residence = str_to_sentence(region_de_residence)) # important for picking admin_1 in data subset
    follow_up_list <-
      rio::import(uploaded_data_follow_up_list_path)  %>%
      clean_names() %>%
      type_convert() %>% 
      rename(code_unique_du_contact = quel_est_le_code_du_contact) ## need to rename now to permit join
  tracing_data_raw  <- list(contacts_list = contacts_list, 
                            follow_up_list = follow_up_list)


The ‘read_file_transformed’ function takes in data from read_file_raw_reactive, and ‘transforms’ it into a single, ‘long’ dataframe, with one row per contact-follow-up-day

read_file_transformed <- function(tracing_data_raw){
  contacts_df_long_transformed <-
    tracing_data_raw %>%
    .$contacts_list %>% 
    ## for speeding up testing
    {if (PARAMS$testing_mode) slice_sample(., n = 10) else .} %>% 
    mutate(counter = 1) %>%
    # row numbers to match Excel spreadsheet
    mutate(row_id = row_number() + 1) %>%
    # clean admin levels
    mutate(across(c(region_de_residence, district_de_residence),  # EDIT 2021-03-04 I changed it.  don't change region spelling as we used the raw spellings to populate the dropdown select on the admin_1 tab
                  ~ .x %>%
                    str_to_lower() %>%
                    str_to_title() %>%
                    replace_na("NA") %>%
                    str_trim() %>% 
                    str_replace_all("  ", " "))) %>% 
              by = "code_unique_du_contact") %>% 
    ## rename to match columns for which scripts were originally written
                  case_when(.x == "code_unique_du_contact" ~ "contact_id",
                            .x == 'code_du_cas_index' ~ "linked_case_id",
                            .x == "sexe" ~ "sex",
                            .x == 'quel_est_le_nom_du_contact' ~ "last_name",
                            .x == 'quel_est_le_prenom_du_contact' ~ 'first_name',
                            .x == 'quel_est_l_age_du_contact' ~ 'age',
                            .x == 'quelle_est_l_unite_de_l_age' ~ 'age_unit',
                            .x == 'region_de_residence' ~ 'admin_1',
                            .x == 'district_de_residence' ~ 'admin_2',
                            .x == 'quel_est_le_lien_du_contact_avec_le_cas' ~ 'link_with_the_case',
                            .x == 'quel_type_de_contact' ~ 'type_of_contact' ,
                            .x == 'date_du_dernier_contact_avec_le_cas' ~ 'date_of_last_contact',
                            .x == 'date_du_suivi' ~ 'follow_up_date',
                            .x == 'date_de_suivi' ~ 'follow_up_date',
                            .x == 'jour_du_suivi' ~ 'follow_up_day',
                            .x == 'jour_de_suivi' ~ 'follow_up_day',
                            .x == 'issue_du_suivi' ~ 'follow_up_status',
                            .x == 'issue_de_suivi' ~ 'follow_up_status',
                            .x == 'etat_du_suivi' ~ 'follow_up_status_simple',
                            .x == 'etat_de_suivi' ~ 'follow_up_status_simple',
                            TRUE ~ .x)) %>% 
    mutate(across(.cols = any_of(c("admin_1", "admin_2",
                  .fns = ~ replace_na(.x, "Manquant")
    )) %>% 
    ## possibly temporary. replace all nas
    # mutate(across(.cols = where(~ is.character(.x) | is.factor(.x)),
    #                 .fns = ~ replace_na(.x, "Manquant")
    # )) %>% 
    # if follow-up lasted the full 21 days, change last follow_up state to "Fin de suivi"
    mutate(follow_up_status = if_else(follow_up_day == 10 & follow_up_status == "vu ou contacte",
                                      "Fin de suivi",
                                      follow_up_status)) %>% 
    mutate(follow_up_status = str_to_sentence(follow_up_status)) %>% 
    ## shorten
    mutate(follow_up_status = recode(follow_up_status, 
                                     "Devenu symptomatique et resultats tests attendus" = "Symptomatique, resultats attendus"
    )) %>% 
    ## shorten
    mutate(follow_up_status_simple = recode(follow_up_status_simple, 
                                            "vu ou contacte" = "Seen",
                                            "non vu ou contacte" = "Not seen"
    )) %>% 
    ## what exactly does poursuite du suivi mean?
    ## I am not sure. But in the meantime we replace it where possible
    mutate(follow_up_status = ifelse(follow_up_status_simple == "Not seen",
                                     follow_up_status)) %>%
    # convert dates to dates
    mutate(across(.cols = matches("date|Date"),
                  .fns = 
                    ~ .x %>% 
                    str_replace_all(" UTC", "") %>% 
                    as.Date())) %>% 
    ## start and end date
    mutate(follow_up_start_date = if_else(follow_up_day == 1, follow_up_date, NA_Date_)) %>% 
    mutate(follow_up_end_date = if_else(follow_up_day == 14, follow_up_date, NA_Date_)) %>% 
    ## complete data
    group_by(row_id) %>% 
    complete(row_id, follow_up_date = seq.Date(unique(date_of_last_contact) + days(1), 
                                               unique(date_of_last_contact) + days(10),
                                               by = "1 days")) %>% 
    ## what does this do? I can't remember (I guess it removes NAs. Why?)
    mutate(across(.cols = -tidyr::one_of("follow_up_date", "follow_up_day", 
                                         "follow_up_status", "follow_up_status_simple"),
                  .fns = ~ first(na.omit(.x))) ) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    # for the simple version of follow up state, assume that manquant means no follow-up
    mutate(follow_up_status_simple = ifelse(follow_up_status_simple == "Manquant",
                                            "Not seen",
                                            follow_up_status_simple)) %>%
    ## row number for easy tracking
    mutate(row_number = row_number()) %>% 
    mutate(follow_up_day = as.numeric(follow_up_date - date_of_last_contact)) %>% 
    distinct(row_id, follow_up_date, .keep_all = TRUE) # not sure why there are duplicates but there are