The global.R file is run once before your app starts. Any R objects created here become available to the app.R file, the ui.R and the server.R files. # Main parameters
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~ Main parameters ----
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
PARAMS <- list()
The application has been built to work with two main data sources: contact tracing data from KoboCollect-exported csv files, and contact tracing data from a Go.Data instance (by direct API connection) Here, at the beginning of the global.R file, we set the PARAMS$country_code variable to the country being worked on. This ensures that the correct data import elements are loaded in the app, that is, either the elements for KoboCollect csv import and processing, or the elements for connecting to, and downloading from the Go.Data instance.
## Uncomment the below to change country app version
#PARAMS$country_code <- "CIV"
#PARAMS$country_code <- "COG"
#PARAMS$country_code <- "UGA"
PARAMS$country_code <- "SAMPLE"
When testing_mode
is set to true, the app loads with only a small subset of the data. This hastens loading speed and saves your time.
PARAMS$testing_mode <- FALSE
When remove_help_tab
is set to false, RStudio loads the PDF from the help tab as a separate window. Somewhat annoying
PARAMS$remove_help_tab <- TRUE
For the Go.Data-sourced sample data, information on administrative levels is mostly missing. But this makes for an uninteresting dashboard. Turn on this parameter to add in sample administrative levels
PARAMS$fake_data <- TRUE
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~ Packages ----
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I would normally load packages with p_load but I had some trouble with this when deploying to shiny
if (!webshot::is_phantomjs_installed()) webshot::install_phantomjs()
library(webshot) ## for screenshots of htmlwidgets when outputting
library(paletteer) ## for palettes
# remotes::install_github("jbkunst/highcharter")
library(highcharter) ## most charts
library(plotly) ## for the snake plot. highcharter renders this plot too slowly
library(shinydashboardPlus) ## extends shinydashboard
library(shinycssloaders) ## spinners for when app elements are loading
library(fresh) ## easy theme changes
library(reactable) ## HTML tables
library(htmlwidgets) ## for prependContent function
library(reactablefmtr) ## additional elements for reactable tables
library(magrittr) ## I sometimes use the %<>% operator from here
library(lubridate) ## date wrangling
library(inspectdf) ## the inspect_cat function is used on first page of app
library(visdat) ## vizdat function used on first page to visualize dataframe
library(stringi) ## some additional string manipulations not provided by stringr
library(anytime) ## for the `anydate` function which does intelligent date parsing
library(glue) ## alternative to `paste`
library(janitor) ## some cleaning utilities
library(scales) ## for date and time scales
library(gt) ## for easily customizable HTML table
library(gtools) ## for the `mixedsort` function
library(rvest) ## for the html_text2 function
library(pander) ## for some tables?
library(rio) ## easy importing
library(flextable) ## called by huxtable in some functions
library(huxtable) ## tables that output to docx and powerpoint
library(rmarkdown) ## for knitting the report
# devtools::install_github("davidgohel/officedown")
library(officedown) ## for PPTX docs etc.
# devtools::install_github("rfortherestofus/pagedreport", ref = "main")
library(pagedreport) ## for PDF reports
library(promises) ## not sure
library(clock) ## not sure
library(charlatan) ## for creating fake data
library(httr) ## for pulling from godata API
library(jsonlite) ## convert json files to data frames
# devtools::install_github("amirmasoudabdol/preferably")
library(preferably) ## theme for documentation site
library(tidyverse) ## tidyverse called last to avoid masking
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~ Misc options ----
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A few miscellaneous settings
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~ Misc functions ----
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Random functions used throughout the application
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~ Set colors and themes ----
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Save some hex codes as named colors for use in app
space_cadet <- "#1C2541"
white <- "#FFFFFF"
alice_blue <- "#D9F0FE"
light_gray <- "#ebebeb"
cinnabar <- "#E64B35"
coral <- "#ff7a4a"
peach <- "#FCDC9C"
bright_yellow_crayola <- "#FFB238"
spinner_color <- burnt_sienna <- "#EE6C4D"
Here we set the params for the fresh
theme. The fresh
package permits easy customization of shinydashboard colors.
my_fresh_theme <-
light_blue = white
dark_bg = space_cadet,
dark_hover_bg = cinnabar,
dark_color = alice_blue
content_bg = white,
box_bg = white,
info_box_bg = light_gray
Set a color legend for each country/ app version. This feeds the colors on active contacts plots (app tab 2)
if (PARAMS$country_code %in% c("COG", "CIV", "SAMPLE") ){
legend_df <-
~breaks, ~colors,
"Manquant", col2hex("black"),
"Poursuite du suivi", col2hex("lightseagreen"),
"Symptomatique, resultats attendus", col2hex("lightpink2"),
"Devenu cas confirme", col2hex("orangered"),
"Sorti sain", col2hex("darkolivegreen4"),
"Deplacé", col2hex("wheat3"),
"Not generated", col2hex("wheat4"),
"Fin du suivi", col2hex("dodgerblue3"),
"Suivi futur", col2hex("goldenrod"),
"Future follow-up", col2hex("goldenrod"),
"Decede", col2hex("purple3")
) %>%
arrange(breaks) %>%
mutate(breaks = fct_inorder(breaks)) %>%
mutate(legend_index = row_number())
} else if (PARAMS$country_code == "UGA"){
legend_df <-
~breaks, ~colors,
"Missed", col2hex("gray50"),
"Missing", col2hex("black"),
"Seen, Ok", col2hex("lightseagreen"),
"Seen, Not Ok", col2hex("orangered"),
"Not attempted", col2hex("wheat3"),
"Not performed", col2hex("blueviolet"),
"Not generated", col2hex("purple3"),
"End of follow-up", col2hex("dodgerblue3"),
"Future follow-up", col2hex("goldenrod")
) %>%
arrange(breaks) %>%
mutate(breaks = fct_inorder(breaks)) %>%
mutate(legend_index = row_number())
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~ Misc objects ----
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
cols_to_exclude_from_filters <-
## filters not created for rows that change across each contact
c("follow_up_date", "follow_up_day",
"follow_up_status", "follow_up_status_simple",
## no filters for synthetic columns either
## and no filters on names.
## Franck mentioned not printing names to app for privacy
"first_name", "last_name")
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~ Highcharter themes ----
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~ Palette ----
highcharter_palette_initial <- c(
paletteer_d("ggsci::nrc_npg") %>%
as.character() %>%
str_sub(1, 7)
## for graphs with many categories
ramped_colors <- colorRampPalette(highcharter_palette_initial)(15)
## remove first and last colors from ramp, because these are the initial colors
new_colors <-
ramped_colors[-c(1, length(ramped_colors))] %>%
## combine to final palette
highcharter_palette <- c(highcharter_palette_initial, new_colors)
# ~~~~ Combine into final theme ----
newtheme <-
chart = list(
backgroundColor = "transparent",
zoomType = "xy",
panning = list(enabled = TRUE, type = "xy"),
panKey = "shift"
colors = highcharter_palette,
labels = list(style = list(lineHeight = "100px")),
plotOptions = list(series = list(label = list(
style = list(lineHeight = "100px")
exporting = list(buttons = list(contextButton = list(menuItems = myMenuItems)))
options(highcharter.theme = newtheme)
# ~~~ Theme for sparklines in value boxes ----
This theme is very minimalist. Equivalent to theme_void in ggplot. Still hoverable though.
hc_theme_sparkline_vb <- function(...) {
theme <- list(
chart = list(
backgroundColor = NULL,
margins = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
spacingTop = 0,
spacingRight = 0,
spacingBottom = 0,
spacingLeft = 0,
plotBorderWidth = 0,
borderWidth = 0,
style = list(overflow = "visible")
xAxis = list(
visible = FALSE,
endOnTick = FALSE,
startOnTick = FALSE
yAxis = list(
visible = FALSE,
endOnTick = FALSE,
startOnTick = FALSE
tooltip = list(
outside = FALSE,
shadow = FALSE,
borderColor = "transparent",
botderWidth = 0,
backgroundColor = "transparent",
style = list(textOutline = "5px white")
plotOptions = list(
series = list(
marker = list(enabled = FALSE),
lineWidth = 2,
shadow = FALSE,
fillOpacity = 0.25,
color = "#FFFFFFBF",
fillColor = list(
linearGradient = list(x1 = 0, y1 = 1, x2 = 0, y2 = 0),
stops = list(
list(0.00, "#FFFFFF00"),
list(0.50, "#FFFFFF7F"),
list(1.00, "#FFFFFFFF")
credits = list(
enabled = FALSE,
text = ""
theme <- structure(theme, class = "hc_theme")
if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
theme <- hc_theme_merge(
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~ ggplot2 theme ----
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
my_theme <- theme_classic() +
plot.title = element_text(face = "bold"),
# plot.background = element_rect(fill = "gray93"),
panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "gray95", size = 0.2),
strip.background = element_blank(),
# element textbox is from ggtext
strip.text = ggtext::element_textbox(
size = 11, face = "bold",
color = "white", fill = "steelblue3", halign = 0.5,
r = unit(5, "pt"), width = unit(1, "npc"),
padding = margin(2, 0, 1, 0), margin = margin(3, 3, 3, 3)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~ Reactable theme ----
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
options(reactable.theme = reactableTheme(
stripedColor = "#f0f1fc70",
backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF00",
highlightColor = "#DADEFB",
cellPadding = "4px 4px"